Posted in Blogging, Inspirational

Inspirational?? I found a new direction!

I’ve read, I’ve seen and I’ve heard.
I need not be told that i am a relatively small fish in a big sea, then to grow or get eaten while being small is a decision that i have to make.

I have created Limits and boundaries for myself,
I’ve changed the concept of Time into something that suits my slow-paced nature!

Now i realised that Limits is a concept that exists in a frail-natured mind and slow-witted brain, either afraid of growing or not taking it chances of getting bigger and stronger!
Its not because things are difficult that we do not dare, Its because we do not dare that things are difficult.

May have been perceived as curious-driven being,
but i think ”reality-driven” would be better, cus i’m more concerned with what lies underneath the smiley surface presented by the other.

an obstacle? Or an excuse to hold myself back? Or a tool that needs to be utilized?

Probably the easiest thing i ever did but the ‘seemingly’ hardest was to actualize’em
A fantasy? Or a world i can actually live in?

And there is the most important Concept of’em all, ‘God’

”there is a divinity that shapes our ends and rough hew them how we will” William shakespeare

Now I see that i gave to the world what they’ve seen of me,
not misunderstood,
what you give is what you’ll be given.
Success is not limited to a particular profession, education is not the way but it is a way!
I think part of growing up is being big enough to admit mistakes, intelligent enough to profit by them.
Accepting responsibilities is one of the highest form of maturity, a willingness to be accountable, to put yourself on the line is really the defining characteristic of adulthood

I’m so used to telling those who’ve stepped on my toes;
Hey! You have no clue what i’m made of
Its time i find out myself what kindda stuff i’m made of!

The difference between ‘Extra-Ordinary man and Ordinary Man, is ”EXTRA” .

A new direction, with divine intervention, I think… Nay! I Know i’m making my way through a thorny path… 🙂

Stay Inspired! Dreams